Poverty keeps children out of school,
It keeps them from learning,
It keeps them from making friends, from learning english, math, chemistry, physics.
Poverty Keeps children.

Education sets them free.
A child with knowledge has tools no one can steal from them.
With knowledge, curiosities, and perseverance,
They can bring clean water to their people;
They can engineer a machine to harvest the wind, and bring their village power.
Without opportunity to an education, these kids stay home; doing laundry, working the fields and gardens with their families, sunrise til dark.
They earn too little to afford the very crops they grow and harvest.
Imagine working all day picking, pruning, plucking and working the soils with your bare hands, or tools that leave you with splinters, blisters, and open wounds… and after 12 long hours in the sun, you’re handed a few cups of rice as salary.
As these children walk home with their rice salary, they see other children walking home with school bags, uniforms, and sugar cane.
Without an education, the cycle of poverty continues.
Schooling and education is possible with hope and perseverance…
WE can bring these kids to the classroom and allow them the opportunity to walk home in uniforms beside their peers.
That uniform represents so much in Uganda; it means, they are on a path that includes education, they have a chance to go far, they have something no one can take from them, they have an education to stand on.
They see it as a privilege to wear those uniforms. Together we can give them this, the opportunity to have an education,
the opportunity to build themselves up,
the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty with education.

Our kids know what an education can do for them.
Our Mothers know what an education can do for their children.
An education is an opportunity to break the cycle of poverty.
Schooling is more than classrooms and exams, it is a stepping stone to a future brighter than the sun on Ugandas equator.
Grateful Hearts is unique in that we serve those who live in “deep village”; where war and murder, rape and devastation, is known by all young and old alike. For these reasons relief groups, missions, and ngo’s have not made contact with these families.
Our Mothers made a point to express to us that we are the first to make contact with their village in this way-to bring opportunity and hope.
Organizations rarely travel as far north as we have. Many people do not travel 11 hours from Kampala. The families we serve are deep in the village and they know this. They tell us at every meeting how thankful they are; that we traveled so far to see them. They are hopeful for our return, they express gratitude for every small thing we can do for them. We are determined to continue fighting for opportunity for these women and children we have befriended in Uganda. and we are forever Grateful for your support in bringing hope and opportunity to our children.

Each of the children we serve require $40 a month to keep them provided with two meals a day and tea, school uniforms, shoes and socks, books and school supplies, school requirements, and school fees.
To sponsor a child, Contact us!
Visit our website to find out more about Grateful Hearts and our Families in Uganda!
Contact our Director of Operations:
Madeline Aber