Meet Nighty!
Nighty has 5 children. Her husband left her 7 years ago in a village 5 hours drive from her home. Her family has since brought her back home.
Nightys husband gave her HIV before he left. When she falls ill from the disease she is very weak and struggles to do even simple tasks to care for her family.
Nighty wishes for something to do after she is finished digging.
She desires to learn a new trade hoping to better provide for her children.
For $20 a month, Sponsor Nighty.
Meet Betty!
Betty's husband has recently passed away due to illness. She struggles to, now independently, provide for herself and her five children. Betty does it all, digs/gardens for food to eat and to sell, cooks, and keeps her children.
She hopes for her children to live a life with much education. Betty wishes for seeds to grow more foods, and to learn a trade in hopes to provide more for herself and her children.
For $20 a month, Sponsor Betty.
Meet Mirriam!
Mirriams husband has left her for another wife. Because of the lack of support from the childrens father, Mirriam struggles to pay school fees, and provide medical care.
When the children are sick, she doesn't have the means to bring the children to the hospital quickly; much of the time they become more ill before she can get them care.
Mirriam wishes for an activity after work is finished, and for a better life for her children.
For $20 a month, Sponsor Mirriam.
Meet Korrina!
Korinna has six children and lost her husband to HIV three years ago, while she was pregnant with her last daughter. She is also positive for HIV. She explains it is difficult to work when she falls sick from the illness. She says she is lucky to be able to sell some of the produce she grows, and is sometimes able to provide school fees for one or two of her children. When the time comes for exams, Korinna does not have the means to pay for exam fees. Wishfully she sends her children to the exams, but they are sent away because fees have not been paid.
When Korinna falls ill from HIV, her older children stay home to cook and watch over the young children. She finds it nearly impossible to get to the hospital for treatment because it is so far (four hours walking) and because of the great responsibility of keeping her home and children.
Korinna wishes for a chance at a better life for her children through education. She would also like to learn a new trade that may generate some support for her family.